Allied Enterprises, Inc., started working with IT Corps in October 2008. Before IT Corps, the company was working with antiquated and outdated technology and network systems. Management saw the need to streamline these systems in order to increase workforce productivity. They called IT Corps because they wanted a company that would provide them with realistic solutions to fit its business goals.
One of these realistic solutions management had in mind was to provide its sales representatives with the ability to operate on a remote network to access their email and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) data. Communication via email and CRM data are the company’s lifelines. Without access to these lifelines, sales representatives have limited access to emails, company servers and client information.
IT Corps implemented several technology advances to achieve this goal. Through a secure Virtual Private Network (VPN), the sales representatives were able to gain access to their files and the CRM system from their geographic location, allowing them to work from virtually anywhere. IT Corps has also implemented an email exchange server in-house as well as provided a solution for consolidating CRM data back up. This has helped streamline the process from back up tapes into one automated solution with IT Corps Data Center. IT Corps is able to continuously monitor all server activity, removing the chance of human error that is common with tape backups and ensuring business continuity in case of a disaster.
Through the years, IT Corps has executed a modern technology plan to allow Allied Enterprises to stay current with the latest software and network systems. IT Corps has successfully upgraded all computers to Windows 7, consolidated multiple servers to VMWare saving hardware, space and power costs, installed a smart firewall to improved security, implemented an in-house CRM system as well as performed daily maintenance of the company’s technology needs.